Τα συστήματα πορτών EFAFLEX Γερμανίας είναι σχεδιασμένα, εξελιγμένα και κατασκευασμένα σύμφωνα με την τεχνολογία αιχμής και εναρμονισμένα με τις υψηλότερες Διεθνείς και Ευρωπαϊκές Προδιαγραφές. Η Γερμανική κατασκευή και ποιότητα εξασφαλίζει την υψηλότερη δυνατή αξιοπιστία του μηχανισμού και μακροχρόνια απρόσκοπτη λειτουργία.
Οικονομικό σύστημα πόρτας για εσωτερικούς χώρους. Διαφέρουν από τις τυπικές πόρτες του είδους και από τις εξαιρετικά υψηλές ταχύτητες κατά το άνοιγμα και κλείσιμο. Είναι κατάλληλες για να κρατούν σταθερή τη θερμοκρασία και την ηχομόνωση του χώρου.
Υψηλής ταχύτητας πτυσσόμενη πόρτα Αλουμινίου. Χρησιμοποιούνται κυρίως ως εξωτερικές πόρτες. Κατοχυρωμένη με δίπλωμα ευρεσιτεχνίας για τα σχεδιαστικά χαρακτηριστικά.
EFA-SRT® at a glance
The heavy-duty forklift door
The EFA-SRT® is a real allrounder! It can be used as inside door or as additional hall closure. For each opening which is extremely often passed by forklift trucks, the high-speed roll-up door from EFAFLEX is a high-quality solution.
Always in good shape
Robust plastic ropes and tension springs in the side members of the door hold the curtain under tension when opening and closing. Wind, negative pressure, heat or cold and draft air cannot affect the curtain: It is always in shape and can be wound up and unwound without any problems and at any time. The extraordinarily heavy-duty hangings are available fully transparent or in different colours.
Three special curtains as option
In addition to the standard curtain, which is made of silicone-free PVC, EFAFLEX also offers three special curtains as option for the EFA-SRT®, which can be used for different applications. All three curtains are made of a transversely stable material and are silicone-free.
Special curtain 1 is made of PVC-coated polyester. It was developed for the field of food logistics and is FDA-approved for the transport of dry food.
Special curtain 2 is made of urethane-impregnated polyester material and is the best option if a hardly flammable curtain is needed for the EFA-SRT®.
Special curtain 3 was developed for the use in painting plants and is therefore free of substances which are detrimental to paint adhesion. It is also made of urethane-impregnated polyester material.
Individual design
Whether bright yellow, warning red, bright blue or neutral grey – you can chose between numerous colours for the curtain of your EFA-SRT®:
RAL 1021 rape yellow
RAL 2008 bright red orange
RAL 3002 carmine red
RAL 5002 ultramarine blue
RAL 6005 moss green
RAL 7035 light grey
RAL 9016 traffic white
Reliable safety
If requested, your high-speed roll-up door can be equipped with the EFA-EAS® crash protection. This protective equipment prevents expensive damages to a curtain in the case of a crash.
During a crash, the bottom module is pressed out of its guides on both sides. Sensors signalise this to the control and stop the door movement immediately. The door curtain and end shield can be easily restored without using any manual lever. Your door will be ready for operation again after a short time.
If everything was so simple
With the EAS protection, you avoid unprofitable standstills and your logistic process will become even more efficient. Moreover, the protective equipment will reduce your repair costs. Decide in favour of EFA-EAS®; this will save time, money and a lot of trouble.
With absolute safety
EFAFLEX high-speed doors of course also guarantee highest standard with regard to safety. As the leading manufacturer of high-speed doors, EFAFLEX is aware of its responsibility! Therefore, we aim at also doing pioneering work with regard to safety. Our systems offer you considerably more safety – for persons as well as for material loaded and the door itself.
Unique systems – for more safety
Not only the doors themselves satisfy the highest demands at EFAFLEX. The appertaining safety systems also offer unique advantages. EFA-SCAN®, the latest EFAFLEX patent, is the first laser scanner worldwide which can be used in a door and which is activator and safety system in one.
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